With Napoleon Pro Charcoal Kettle Grill, one of the best charcoal grills in Australia, you can enjoy your barbecue experience even more. It is a fusion of a traditional charcoal grill and a modified kettle mechanism. The combination of cast-iron grills with an air-vented lid and accurate temperature gauge gives the perfect grilling experience every time!
Unique and stylish design:
The sleek design of this Napoleon Pro Charcoal Kettle Grill makes it a beauty to place in your outdoor kitchen. Just the sight of it sitting in your backyard makes it food for the eyes.
Wave cooking grids:
The iconic cooking grid leaves the most appetising sear marks on your steaks, sausages, and hamburgers. It additionally ensures the even distribution of heat so that each piece of food is cooked to perfection.
Spacious cooking area:
The 2350 square cm area is wide enough to cook for a crowd so that no one has to wait for the upcoming batch. You can grill up to 22 hamburgers in a go like a pro!
Hinged cooking grids:
The grids are specially designed with hinges to make the grill easy to use. You can add up charcoal or chips just by lifting a side grid without disturbing your food.
Heat-retaining cooking grids:
The grids are made of strong cast iron, designed to help retain the heat for longer and ease the grilling process. The heat retained in the grids helps the food cook to the last bit.
Adjustable height:
The Napoleon Pro Charcoal Kettle Grill can be fixed at multiple heights. With its adjustable height option, you can set it up at three different marks to control the type of cooking.
Controlled air flow;
The PRO Air Control System ensures an equal flow of air, hence maintaining the ideal temperature throughout the barbecue.
Balanced heat distribution:
The stainless steel diffuser allows the coal to burn effectively and spread the warmness evenly across the grid.
Durable porcelain-coated body:
The body is 40 kg sturdy, stainless steel, specially designed to sustain the Aussie weather conditions.
Cleaning is a breeze:
The porcelain coating throughout the body and grid makes tidying up, trouble-free. It is super-easy to maintain and is long-lasting.
Couple access to the cooking area:
The hinged lid is designed to stay out of the way when you have to handle your grill. With the built-in lid hanger, you can safely hang the lid on the side of the grill.
Ease of use:
The rugged, water-proof wheels carry the load with grace and help move the grill around, whatever the terrain. This portable barbecue grill helps you enjoy your outdoor adventure wherever you want.
Authentic barbecue flavour:
The charcoal fuelling gives that old-school aroma and flavour of a charred grill. The sizzling sound, the tingly smoke, and the warming sight of burning charcoal are the ultimate experiences, all Australians crave!
Affordable bbq experience:
The Napoleon Pro Charcoal Kettle Grill is extremely pocket-friendly so you don’t have to give a fortune for the love of “Barbie”.