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Whole Smoked Chicken on a Pellet Smoker

Whole Smoked Chicken on a Pellet Smoker

A whole chicken smoked on a pellet smoker is a delicious culinary excursion that blends the succulent, juicy richness of a fully cooked bird with the rich, smokey tastes of barbecue. Regardless of your level of experience with smoking, this technique provides a simple and fulfilling means to produce delicious, restaurant-caliber chicken in your garden. 

We'll go over each stage of the procedure in detail in this tutorial, from choosing the best chicken and getting it ready to smoke to controlling the temperature and smoke from the pellet smoker. Along with recommendations for creating a mouthwatering, smokey feast that will have your taste buds singing, you'll learn how to season, flavor, and carve.

Benefits of Using a Pellet Smoker

chicken in smoker

For both new and seasoned barbecue fans, using a pellet smoker is a desirable choice because of its many advantages. These multipurpose kitchen tools have been more and more well-liked in the last several years due to their ease of use, reliable performance, and capacity to impart deep, smokey tastes to meals. We'll go over the benefits of utilizing a pellet smoker in this section.

Easily Usable

The ease of use of pellet smokers is among their biggest advantages. They have digital controls and function similarly to a domestic oven. The smoker will take care of the rest after you've adjusted the correct cooking temperature. They are perfect for those who are new to smoking or who want a hassle-free cooking experience because of their simplicity.

Steady Temperature Management

It's essential to reach and maintain the ideal cooking temperature while smoking meat and other dishes. Pellet smokers are the best at this. To ensure that your food cooks evenly and at a constant temperature throughout the process, they employ a thermostat to manage the temperature precisely. With conventional charcoal or wood smokers, it may be challenging to get this degree of control.


Pellet smokers are multipurpose culinary appliances. They can bake, roast, grill, smoke, and even function as a regular oven. Because of its adaptability, you may cook a variety of foods on the same gadget, including pizza, bread, sweets, and classic smoked meats. It resembles having a fully functional outdoor kitchen.

Taste of Wood Fire

Pellet smokers are popular because of their ability to provide a delicious smokey taste to meals. These smokers employ a variety of hardwood pellet flavors, including apple, cherry, mesquite, and hickory. The wood pellets you choose will provide a distinct and genuine flavor to your meal.

Efficiency of Energy

Smokers who use pellets use less energy than those who use regular cigarettes. Because of the regulated pace at which they burn wood pellets, you won't have to keep adding fuel. A "set it and forget it" option that reduces the need for ongoing monitoring and modifications is another feature seen on many models.


Features like Wi-Fi connection and smartphone applications are often included with pellet smokers, enabling you to watch and manage the cooking process from a distance. This makes it an ideal option for those with hectic schedules, as it allows you to monitor the development of your meal while doing errands or from the comfort of your home.

More Healthful Cooking

Using wood pellets to smoke food adds a smokey taste without using a lot of oil or fat. It's a healthier method of cooking, so it's a great option for anyone concerned about their health.

Very Little Cleanup

Compared to conventional charcoal or wood smokers, pellet smokers create a relatively small amount of ash, making cleaning easy. A detachable ash pan for simple disposal is a feature of several models, which simplifies post-cooking maintenance.

Waste Mitigation

These smokers utilize wood pellets, an environmentally beneficial fuel source created from compressed sawdust and wood waste. Especially in comparison to the bags of charcoal or wood bits required for other kinds of smokers, they produce very little trash.

Social and Community Benefits

Pellet smoking is a social pastime as well. Whether it's a meaningful event or a casual weekend BBQ, it's a terrific way to start a discussion and a great excuse to get together with friends and family for a tasty dinner.

Choosing the Right Chicken for Smoking

chicken on plate

Making a delicious smoked chicken meal starts with choosing the correct chicken. Your choice of chicken's qualities and traits will have a big influence on how things turn out. The following things to bear in mind are:


Select a premium, fresh chicken. Seek for birds that are well-formed, plump, and moist. Steer clear of chicken if it smells weird since this might mean it's spoiled.


Think about how big the bird is. For smoking, smaller chickens—typically weighing between three and four pounds—are often used because they cook more evenly and are simpler to handle. Larger birds can be smoked, although they could take longer to cook.

Organic or Free-Range

Select organic or free-range hens if feasible. Because of their natural diet and living environment, these birds often have greater taste and texture.

Skinless or Skin-On

Whether to choose skin-on or skinless chicken is a question of taste. When smoking, skin-on chicken may have a deliciously crunchy texture and tend to have a deeper flavor. It could also mean a little longer cooking time. It can be better to choose skinless chicken since the taste of the smoking seeps into the flesh more easily.

Whole or Parts

Although the emphasis of this lesson is smoking a whole chicken, you may also smoke individual chicken pieces, such as drumsticks, thighs, or wings. The decision is based on your tastes and how versatile you want your meal to be.

Preparation at the Butcher

Ask the butcher to butterfly or spatchcock the bird if you're not comfortable doing it yourself. The backbone of the chicken is cut out during this operation, which promotes more uniform cooking and improved smoke penetration.

Preparing the Chicken for Smoking

half cooked chicken

After choosing the ideal chicken, it's time to get it ready for smoking. When the chicken is prepared properly, it cooks evenly and absorbs the smokey taste. This is how you do it:


Be careful to defrost any frozen chicken in the refrigerator thoroughly. It should never be left outside at room temperature since this encourages the development of germs.

Drying and Rinsing

After giving the chicken a quick rinse in cold water, blot dry with paper towels, this promotes skin crispness by removing any extra moisture that would prevent smoke from penetrating the skin.

To season

Use a large amount of your preferred dry rub or spices to season the chicken. Make sure you season the bird's insides as well as its outside. Herbs like thyme or rosemary, as well as salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and onion powder, are common spices.

Butterflying, or spatchcocking, is optional

As previously said, you have the option to butterfly the bird, which involves using kitchen shears to cut the backbone out. By doing this, the chicken becomes more uniformly cooked. Your butcher can do this for you if you feel uncomfortable doing it yourself.


Let the chicken sit in the fridge for at least half an hour or up to several hours after seasoning. This allows the taste of the ingredients to infuse into the meat and intensify it.

Brining or Marinating Options

Adding brining and marinating to your smoked chicken are two further stages that may improve its taste and moisture content. Although they are not required, they may greatly improve the finished product:


Brining is the process of immersing the chicken in a saltwater solution, often combined with extra flavor and sugar. This method gives the flesh moisture and seasonings it, giving the chicken more juice. Put the chicken in a big container and let it soak in the brine for several hours or perhaps overnight. Water, salt, sugar, and aromatics like bay leaves, garlic, and peppercorns might make up a basic brine.


Coating the chicken with a delicious liquid combination is known as marinating. A wide range of substances may be marinated, including yogurt, citrus juice, vinegar, olive oil, and herbs and spices. To enable the flavors to seep into the flesh, put the chicken in a closed container or resealable plastic bag and refrigerate for a few hours.

Seasoning and Flavoring the Chicken

A key component of making delicious smoked chicken is seasoning and flavoring the meat. The correct blend of herbs and spices may bring out the flavor of the chicken and accentuate its smokey undertones. For optimal results, season and flavor your chicken as follows:

A dry rub 

Applying a blend of herbs, spices, and seasonings on the chicken's exterior is known as a dry rub. Salt, pepper, paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and herbs like rosemary or thyme are common components in dry rubs. Apply a generous layer of the dry rub to the chicken, being sure to cover the skin as well as the meat below.

Marinades in injection

Injecting marinades is a technique used by certain pitmasters to infuse flavors deeply into the meat. These marinades often include broth, spices, herbs, and melted butter. To uniformly spread the marinade throughout the chicken, use a meat injector. Take care to do the injection sparingly since this might make the chicken too salty.

Plants and Fragrances

Place fresh herbs and aromatics (such as garlic, onion, lemon, and thyme) within the cavity of the chicken to impart flavorful aromas. Herbs may also be sprinkled on the skin to improve flavor and appearance.


Although marinating the chicken might enhance its taste, it's crucial to remember that it could also change the skin's texture. Olive oil, lemon juice, vinegar, and other spices are examples of items that may be used for marinades. For optimal flavor absorption, let the chicken marinate in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.

Wood Pellet taste

The taste of the chicken is also influenced by the kind of wood pellets you use in your pellet smoker. Various wood species, including apple, cherry, pecan, hickory, and mesquite, have unique smokey undertones. Select a wood that goes well with the seasonings you've selected and your style.

Preparing the Pellet Smoker

You must set up your pellet smoker correctly if you want the ideal smoked chicken. To prepare your smoker for cooking, follow these steps:

Sanitize the smoker 

Clean your pellet smoker first. Get rid of any ash and leftovers from earlier usage. A well-maintained smoker contributes to stable temperature control in addition to producing chicken with a superior flavor.

Wood pellets loaded

Choose the wood pellets you want to use and load the smoker's hopper. The taste of the smoke may vary depending on the kind of wood pellets you use. To find out how many shots to use, see the manufacturer's instructions.

Warm up the smoker

After turning it on, adjust the smoker to the appropriate cooking temperature. The smoker should be allowed to warm for around 15 to 20 minutes or until the required temperature is reached. This stage guarantees a steady cooking atmosphere.

Temperature and Smoke Control

To smoke chicken to perfection, you must manage the temperature. Here's how to keep the temperature and smoke levels appropriate:

Decide on the Cooking Heat

To adjust the cooking temperature, use the digital controls on the smoker. It is generally advised to cook chicken at a temperature of between 225 and 250°F (107 and 121°C). This method of cooking guarantees a product that is tasty and tender.

Keep an eye on the weather

Temperature probes are often included in pellet smokers. To check the internal temperature of the bird, insert one probe inside it. This lets you know when the chicken is cooked to perfection. Furthermore, keep an eye on the smoker's ambient temperature using a different probe.

Smoke Generation

To your preference, change the smoker's smoke production parameters. You can regulate how much smoke is produced by certain smokers. A stronger smokey taste is made by adding additional smoke, although moderation is key.

Keep Things Consistent

Even though pellet smokers are noted for their consistent temperatures, it's important to keep an eye on things and make any adjustments. Variations in the external environment, such as wind or freezing temperatures, might impact the smoker's efficiency. To keep things consistent, alter the temperature and smoke settings as needed.

Smoking Wood Selection

The taste of your smoked chicken is greatly influenced by the wood pellets you use. Every kind of wood has a unique flavor. Here are a few typical choices:

A Hickory 

Hickory pellets taste smoky and delicious. It's a classic chicken taste that adds depth.


Mesquite's earthy, smoky taste pairs well with chicken. Mesquite may be overpowering, so use cautiously.

Fruitwoods: Pecan, Cherry, and Apple 

Apple, cherry, and pecan pellets burn beautifully and quietly. Their aromatic, well-balanced flavor makes them terrific chicken alternatives.


Oak pellets taste medium-smoky and are versatile. The chicken taste may be enhanced rather than overpowered.


Maple wood pellets' delicate, sweet, smokey flavor enhances the chicken. It's fantastic for gentler smokiness.

To get the best wood pellet flavor and fit for your spices, try many varieties.

Smoking Duration and Cooking Times

The size of the chicken and the cooking temperature are two of the variables that affect how long a complete chicken smokes and cooks in a pellet smoker. Here are some basic pointers to help you smoke chicken to perfection:

Temperature of Cooking

Adjust the temperature of your pellet smoker to 225–250°F (107–121°C). Longer cooking periods at lower temperatures may produce chicken that is more tasty and tender.

The temperature within

To check the internal temperature of the chicken, use a meat thermometer. When the chicken reaches 175°F (79°C) in the thigh and 165°F (74°C) in the thickest area of the breast, it is done.

Simmering Time

A 3–4 pound chicken will smoke for 3–4 hours on average at the suggested temperatures. Bigger birds could take longer.


Take the chicken out of the smoker when it has finished smoking and let it take ten to fifteen minutes to rest before slicing. By allowing the liquids to redistribute, sleeping the chicken makes it more tasty and tender.

Keep in mind that these are just estimates and that the actual cooking times may vary depending on your smoker's particular characteristics, the quantity of the chicken, and other elements. To make sure the chicken is cooked all the way through without becoming too done, it is imperative to use a meat thermometer.

Resting and Carving the Smoked Chicken

chicken cooked

After smoking, cover the chicken with a loose foil tent and let it rest for ten to fifteen minutes. This time of repose allows the juices to re-distribute, resulting in a moist and sensitive bird. When it comes time to carve, begin with the wings, legs, and thighs. For a visually pleasing presentation, slice the breast flesh equally after that.

Options for Sauce and Glaze

Use different glazes and sauces to enhance the taste of your smoked chicken. Think of fruit-based glazes like apricot or raspberry, hot sauce for a spicy kick, honey mustard for a tangy touch, or traditional barbecue sauce for a sweet and smokey finish. Another delicious way to add flavor is to use butter that has been infused with herbs.

Presentation and Servicing

Garnish your smoked chicken with slices of citrus and fresh herbs to wow your visitors. Serve it with delicious side dishes like grilled vegetables, potato salad, or coleslaw. For a visually striking presentation, arrange the sliced chicken on a plate or wooden cutting board.

Advice for Making the Best Smoked Chicken

Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken, keep the smoker temperature constant, and have patience as it smokes slowly to get the perfect smoked chicken. To get your ideal taste profile, feel free to experiment with various wood pellets, spices, and glazes.

Common Errors to Prevent

Avoid typical mistakes such as overcooking, uneven temperature, skipping rest periods, not using a meat thermometer, and too complex spices. To guarantee a tasty and flawlessly smoked chicken that leaves everyone craving for more, streamline your process.


The last stage to culinary bliss is carving and resting a smoked chicken. After smoking, letting the chicken rest re-distributes liquids, making it moist and soft. For a nice presentation, carve the wings, legs, and thighs first, then slice the breast tissue evenly. These steps produce a delicious smoked chicken with smoky tastes and a lovely texture, making your meal a hit with everyone.

Previous article Smoked Pork Belly on a Pellet Smoker


bob - November 23, 2023

yooo wddup, gang

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